The Big 5 Oh
Welcome back C64 and 6502 fans! This is my 50th blog post at Today will not be a highly technical post, but I have a lot of small things to talk about.
World of Commodore 2017
It's that time of year again. World of Commodore 2017 is just days away. Read about it here. I had a wonderful time refamiliarizing myself with everything that's new in the Commodore world at this show last year. It is sure to be a blast.
Unfortunately I can't make it on the Saturday, because of family obligations. But I will be there on Sunday, as this is a two day event. I'm not sure what I'll be bringing. I've been hard at work through the whole year, but nothing I've been working on is really ready. C64 OS has seen lots of work and now consists of lots of code, but there isn't much yet to demo. And C64 Luggable, which I'll likely bring with me, is not fully finished. But, I might bring it anyway, just to show people my progress. I know at least a couple of people are interested in where it's at.
Hopefully someone will notice, but I've put a lot of work over the course of the year, into building this website. In the last couple of weeks I have done a fair bit of work touching up the styles. I've normalized the fonts and the hierarchical usage of H1/H2/H3/H4.
I have also put quite a bit of work into getting the whole site to be responsive. This involved redoing the top navigation completely. This is now done entirely in CSS, no more graphics for those little bubble buttons. This allows the top navigation to scale smoothly down to mobile phone sizes. And in all the pages with a left side bar, WELCOME, C64 OS, C64 LUG, and WEBLOG, the side bar now gets out of the way on mobile devices, letting the content take the full width. You can call out and dismiss the side bar with new buttons that appear above the section title.
I want to give a shout out1 to my longtime friend and colleague, Brad Marshall, for his help, suggestions and patience with me, on some design and CSS questions to get this site more responsive and looking a bit snazzier. He's a talent web designer, and you can read more about him and his work on his own blog,
The popularity of the site is growing, as I promote it on Twitter and IRC and move up the ranks in the search engines. I'm now getting hundreds of unique visitors a month. So I feel pretty good about that. I've only got ~230 followers on Twitter, so it helps a lot when people with a couple of thousand followers retweet my tweets that promote a new blog post, or a new feature in the Buyer's Guide. Thank you to everyone for that!
C64 OS
As for the C64 OS Technical Docs on this site, I have not put nearly enough time or effort into them. That is something I intend to put a lot more energy into in the coming months. One reason for my reluctance has been the nature of ongoing and active development of the project itself. Unlike a weblog, the C64 OS Technical Docs are a living document that are meant to reflect the current state of the project, not a chronological log of how things are changing.
As it stands, whatever is in the Tech Docs is pretty out of date already. The good news is that development of C64 OS continues apace. I feel like I've got the modularity of it well worked out, assembling multiple modules that plug together and are able to call each other's routines has never been easier. This lets me focus on how to organize the code. And there is still a fair bit of flux involved here. Big projects are in large part, in my opinion, a matter of good organization.
It's quite a trip to be coding native. Many tools that would ordinarily be available to a programmer on a modern platform are simply unavailable. I continue to learn about what the tools I'm working with can actually do. I'm almost ashamed to admit this, but I didn't realize that Turbo Macro Pro has block operations! How could I have lived without them? Well, I'll tell you, whenever I needed to rearrange large blocks of code, I would export my code as text and open it in novatext. That's the surprisingly-pleasant-to-use 40 column text editor that comes bundled with Novaterm 9.6. It has block move/copy operations that make it convenient to search/find and rearrange large sections of text. Then I'd save it back to the text file, and reimport into Turbo Macro Pro.
As it turns out, TMP+ has block operations built in. This has greatly sped up development. Let's just call that special Commodore back arrow "escape", since it's in that spot on the keyboard. ESC-m activates the mark submenu. Press 's' to set the start mark, and 'e' to set the end mark, thus defining a block. Move the cursor to somewhere new and press ESC-b to activate the block submenu. Press 'c' to copy the block to the cursor's location, or 'm' to move it. You can also delete a whole block at a time.
There are some other things you can do that take time to become second nature. For example, a block can also be written to disk as a text file. My new practice is to write a block to disk with a standard filename of "@:clip.t". The @: tells the DOS to overwrite any existing file with the name clip.t. Thus, clip.t becomes a sort of generic clipboard. The latest clip always overwriting the previous clip, just like a modern computer's clipboard. Getting used to this convention makes it much faster and easier to copy and paste between source code files, as there is less mental overhead in coming up with a name, and then remembering what I named it. Good times.
One tool that's missing is the ability to do a backtrace. It's very handy in PHP or Javascript to be able to see where the flow of the program has gone. I can't do this in my native coding in 6502. So, I've been doing it to paper. At first, it sounds crazy, but I think this is how people used to do this sort of thing in the past. I've now got somewhere between 25 and 50 sheets of paper with notes of every description on every module in the project. Recently I've added some sheets that cover the flow trace of the booter booting up the system, launching the first app, how the main event loop distributes events to the application, and lastly how an app quits and the system deallocates memory and launches the home application again in its place. Some of this was covered in this post.
Lots more to say about development on new areas of C64 OS, but I'll leave those for another post.
C64 Luggable
While I'm dicussing my projects, I may as well give an update on where I'm at with C64 Luggable. The progress documentation on C64 Luggable is not fully up to date with where I'm at. But there is one advantage to documenting a hardware project. What has been completed tends to stay the way it is, in a way that is not true of a software project.
The front panel is almost fully complete. I had to order a second set of DB9 breakout boards, because the first set were problematic in a number of ways. The audio amplifier, as it turns out, I got two of those as well. The power jack is fully mounted, the speaker holes are finished, and the front metal plate has been dremelled out.
The back hinged door has been cut, and the hinges have been put on. So the door now officially opens and closes. I've purchased the paint and have started to apply the white base/sealer to some pieces of the chassis. One concern I have is that, due to the size and shape of the audio amplifier, once I fully screw on the front part of the chassis (with the speaker holes, and the cut out for the front I/O board), I will no longer be able to pull the front I/O board out. Even though it has been mounted to the bottom chassis in the same way as the rear I/O board.
This is truly unfortunate, because it would have been very convenient to be able to pull out and swap out the entire front I/O board after the main chassis is fully assembled. This has made me reluctant to put the front part of the chassis on, because I have to be certain that everything is as I want it to be first. And I can't start painting the outside chassis in earnest until the whole chassis is actually together.
I would love it if it had been all ready to go for World of Commodore 2017. However, after working on the project for a year, I don't want to rush the end of it and do a poor job, just to meet this deadline. I'll probably show it as it is, and next year, for sure, it will be fully together and working.
I do have a couple of small surprises about the project, which I'll show off at World of Commodore. Nothing big, but a couple of nice touches.
Commodore 8 Bit Buyer's Guide
Lastly, I just want to give an update on the Buyer's Guide.
I am super pleased with the Buyer's Guide. I just wrote about the recent updates to the guide in the introduction to the post 3D Printed Components. So I don't want to repeat myself so soon after. I'll merely point out a few new things.
The recent responsive site design changes extend to the Buyer's Guide as well. I continue to put effort in to improve the responsiveness and more changes are coming soon. The main table of contents is now responsive, changing to 2 columns of 6 categories at one breakpoint, and changing to one column at the smallest size.
The fonts in the guide also resize to make them fit better, and the overall grid layout of the items in the guide has been able to smoothly scale since the beginning.
Making the features pages responsive is under development. But speaking of features. As I tweet out random products in the Buyer's Guide, I'm adding features. In order to add a little bit of dynamic feedback to the guide, the From the Editor letter near the top of the Buyer's Guide now tells you how many feature pages are available. This is realtime read from the file system that hosts the features files, so it's always up to date. At the time of this writing it's at 11 features. Additionally, I've added a view count (yes, the good old page counter) to each feature page so I and everyone else can get a simple metric on how popular some of the products are. I am hoping that seeing these numbers and watching them grow will be an inspiration to me to keep writing.
In writing features, I realize that there are some products which I know absolutely nothing about and have not been able to find out anything about by searching the web. This has encouraged me to reach out to the vendor or the product's creator to get more information. For example, Tim Harris from Shareware Plus has actually mailed me a paper copy of the user manual for one of his products, which I will be digitizing in order to have some documentation to link to.
I would call this a net win for the Commodore community.
That's all for today. Hopefully I'll see you at World of Commodore in Toronto, this Saturday December 9 and Sunday December 10, 2017.
- I hate this expression, but it is a thing in our language. [↩]