Available By RSS
Given the nature of this blog and the nature of development time, I realize that it is normal for at least a couple of weeks to go by without any new posts. Since the blog is about development progress and it takes a lot more time to develop something than it takes to talk about it, the schedule of new posts will always be a bit irregular.
It's hard to get a following on any site where the content is not being updated every day. Fortunately this situation is solved problem, with RSS. I've added a dynamic RSS feed feature to Ultralight Blogging Platform, and checked the changes into Github. Once some of the config properties are set at the top of feed.php, nothing at all needs to be done to maintain the feed or keep it up to date. I simply make a new post to, and the the RSS feed automatically incorporates the new article. with its complete and up to date post archive in an RSS Reader for iOS.
You will find the RSS Feed button above. And if you want to subscribe manually you can direct your RSS Reader to