Thanks and Credits
It has been a long road to get C64 OS from mere daydream conception to version 1.0 release. I would like to thank a number of people who helped me out and gave me advice and encouragement along the way. Things wouldn't have been the same without my many influences.
Family, Friends and Colleagues
Jayme Archibald
My wife and my best friend, and the mother of our kids. Thank you for listening to me ramble on and on about things I'm sure barely interest you. Thank you for putting up with all my late nights programming, and all the money I've spent on old computers. You make life better in uncountable ways.
Bill Nacu
My dad, to whom I write endless emails with my thoughts, complaints, questions and comments. Thanks for the support and the many engaging conversations we've had.
Thomas Nacu
My brother, with whom I've grown closer over the years. Thanks for giving me tips on business and for helping me make sense of a crazy world.
Doug Stewart
A friend and colleague with whom I've been through many adventures both in business and in life. Thanks for the pizzas and beer, the many great conversations and game nights. I've learned a lot through my years of friendship with you. Thanks for the advice on business, and for generally listening to my ideas and giving me feedback.
Brad Marshall
A friend of long standing, and a great visual designer and programmer who I worked with for many years. Thanks for sharing many beers and late night conversations, and talks about computers, technology, and life. Thanks for the help with the visual design of and the OpCoders Inc. logo.
Jérémie Marsin
A friend, and a Commodore and Amiga fan who, by sheer luck, I found living right here in my home city. Your stay here was short, but you started the Kingston Retro Computer Club, and we had many fun times exploring old computers together. Thanks for car pooling with me to World of Commodore and for many great conversations. It was a lot of fun. I wish you the best of luck with Double-Sided Games.

Beta Testers
Paul Hocker
Thanks Paul, for all the help figuring out VICE support, and for contributing documentation to the C64 OS User's Guide to that end. Thanks for the Discord server, the help beta testing, and the advice and help preparing C64 OS for third-party cross-development.
Leif Bloomquist
Thanks Leif, for helping me to support IDE64 in C64 OS. Thanks for the beta testing and feedback, and also for contributing the Light Pen input driver. Special thanks for all the work you put into organizing World of Commodore each year in Toronto, providing the community a place to meet and share, and for giving me an opportunity to present and demonstrate early C64 OS builds.
Kroc Camen
Thanks Kroc, for the many UI design tips and advice. Thanks for the technical conversations by email and Discord, it's been helpful to have someone with whom to bounce around ideas. I hope there will be many more still to come. And thank you also for your help refining the C64 OS logo.
Doug Compton, Eric Hill, Dan Sanderson, Jan Blomqvist
Thank you all for the feedback you provided in beta testing, and for the bug reports. I really appreciate the additional sets of eyeballs, and for the testing done on hardware that I don't have access to.
Credits, Copyrights and Trademarks
Commodore Business Machines
Commodore 64 and the Commodore Logo are registered trademarks of Commodore Business Machines. Without Commodore, our childhoods would not have been the same.
JiffyDOS is a Disk Operating System enhancement for the Commodore 64. It was created by Mark Fellows and is available via several authorized resale channels listed at
Novatext is a text editor for the Commodore 64. It was released as part of Novaterm 9.5 (1994) and Novaterm 9.6 (1997), and was written by Nick Rossi.
Turbo Macro Pro
Turbo Macro Pro is a 6502 macro assembler for the Commodore 64. It was originally released in 1985 as Turbo Assembler by the German company, Omikron. It is now maintained by Style.
Bitmap Boot Screen
The official C64 OS bitmap boot screen was commissioned and produced by The Sarge in Hi-Res Bitmap format. Thanks for your fantastic work and contribution.
The C64 OS Character Set uses some letters, numbers and symbols from the excellent C64 system font CHARGEN, PXLfont 88665b RF2.3 by Retrofan of P1X3L-net. The complete charset can be found at:
Sample Relocated PSIDs
The sample SID files have been drawn from High Voltage SID Collection (HVSC) and converted using the tool sidreloc by Linus Akesson.
Sample Graphics Files
Some sample image files are converted from images found on the web using the C64Gfx library by Pasi 'Albert' Ojala. Some sample images have been drawn from Retro Gallery.
Table of Contents
This document is subject to revision updates.
Last modified: Mar 27, 2024