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Library Reference: calendar.lib


Calendar.lib has routines that help when drawing dates and elements of a calendar. It is used primarily by the Today Utility.

Name calendar.lib
code ca
size 5 pages
Link Yes
Unlink No
Emits Memory Warnings No

Related libraries

Library Routines

Date to Screencodes (datetos_)

Purpose Convert an int to two reverse screencode digits
Jump offset $03
Communications registers A, X, Y
Stack requirements 4
Zero page usage None
Registers affected A, X, Y
Input parameters A → Date (int 1 to 31)
Output parameters Y ← Tens Digit (reverse screencode)
X ← Ones Digit (reverse screencode)
Raises an exception if input is out of range.

Description: This routine helps draw dates directly to screen memory. It's most useful when implementing a Toolkit control that needs to draw. Pass an integer value from 1 to 31 in the accumulator. If the value in the accumulator is less than 1 or greater than 31 an exception is raised. It returns the date as two reverse screencodes.

Example, pass $03 in the accumulator, Y comes back as $B0, X comes back as $B3. Pass $29 in the accumulator, Y comes back as $B2, X comes back as $B9. Pass $32 in the accumulator, an exception is raised. See: Commodore 64 Screen Codes for reference.

Day of Week (firstdow_)

Purpose Get day of week for a date
Jump offset $06
Communications registers A, X, Y
Stack requirements 4
Zero page usage None
Registers affected A, X, Y
Input parameters Y → Year (1900 = 0)
X → Month (January = 1)
A → Date (int 1 to 31)
Output parameters A ← Day of week (Sunday = 0)

Description: This routine gives you an integer representing the day of the week for a given date. Sunday = 0 through Saturday = 6, for any date between January 1, 1900 and December 31, 2155. If the date is not valid no exception is raised, but the result will be unpredictable.

Example, pass 125 ($7D) in the accumulator for 2025 (1900 + 125 = 2025), pass 12 ($0C) in the X register for December, pass 25 ($19) in the accumulator, and it returns $04 (Thursday) in the accumulator.

Day of Year (dayofyr_)

Purpose Get day of year for a date
Jump offset $09
Communications registers A, X, Y
Stack requirements 8
Zero page usage $63, $64
Registers affected A, X, Y
Input parameters Y → Year (1900 = 0)
X → Month (January = 1)
A → Date (int 1 to 31)
Output parameters dividnd ← Day of year + 6

Description: This routine gives you an integer representing the day of the year + 6 for a given date. Leap years are taken into account. Pass the Year, month and date in Y, X and A registers, same format as for firstdow, the result is found in the zero page address dividnd which is defined by //os/s/:math.s.

The result is plus 6 for ease of internally computing the week number. To get the actual day of the year, subtract 6 from dividnd.

Week Number (weeknum_)

Purpose Get week number in which a date falls in a year
Jump offset $0C
Communications registers A, X, Y
Stack requirements 10
Zero page usage $61, $62, $63, $64, $65, $66, $C8, $C9, $CA
Registers affected A, X, Y
Input parameters Y → Year (1900 = 0)
X → Month (January = 1)
A → Date (int 1 to 31)
Output parameters RegWrd ← Week Number

Description: This routine gives you an integer representing the week number of the year in which a given date falls. Leap years are taken into account. Pass the Year, month and date in Y, X and A registers, same format as for firstdow, the result is returned as a RegWrd. Because there are only 52 weeks in a year, X holds the week number and Y is always returned as 0.

Example, pass 125 ($7D) in the accumulator for 2025 (1900 + 125 = 2025), pass 12 ($0C) in the X register for December, pass 25 ($19) in the accumulator, and it returns 52 ($34) (week number 52) in the X register and $00 in the Y register.

Days in Month (daysinm_)

Purpose Get the number of days in a month
Jump offset $0F
Communications registers A, X, Y
Stack requirements 5
Zero page usage None
Registers affected A, X, Y
Input parameters Y → Year (1900 = 0)
X → Month (January = 1)
Output parameters A ← Number of days (int 28 to 31)

Description: This routine returns an integer with the number of days in the month of a given year. Leap years are taken into account. Pass the Year and month in the Y and X registers, same format as for firstdow, the result is returned in the accumulator.

Example, pass 125 ($7D) in the accumulator for 2025 (1900 + 125 = 2025), pass 11 ($0B) in the X register for November, and it returns 30 ($1E) in the accumulator.

Is Leap Year (isleap_)

Purpose Compute if the given year is a leap year
Jump offset $12
Communications registers Y, Carry
Stack requirements 3
Zero page usage None
Registers affected X
Input parameters Y → Year (1900 = 0)
Output parameters C ← Clear = Not a leap year
C ← Set = Is a leap year

Description: This routine returns with the carry set if the year is a leap year. This can be used in calculations that incorporate the carry to add an extra day. Note that only the X register is modified by calling this routine.

Example, pass 125 ($7D) in the accumulator for 2025 (1900 + 125 = 2025), the carry is returned clear because 2025 is not a leap year. Pass 128 ($80) in the accumulator for 2028 (1900 + 128 = 2028), the carry is returned set because 2028 is a leap year.

Month Name (mnthname_)

Purpose Get the string name of a month
Jump offset $15
Communications registers A, X, Y
Stack requirements 3
Zero page usage None
Registers affected A, X, Y
Input parameters X → Month (January = 1)
Output parameters RegPtr ← Pointer to string ("January", "February", etc.)
A ← String length
Raises an exception if input is out of range.

Description: This routine returns a pointer to a string containing the full English name of the month. The string is not null-terminated. The length of the string is returned in the accumulator. The month is passed in the X register, same format as for firstdow.

Example, pass 3 ($03) in the accumulator for March, a RegPtr is returned to a string (not null-terminated) "March", and the accumulator holds $05 because there are 5 characters in the string "March".

Day Name (dayname_)

Purpose Get the string name of a day of the week
Jump offset $18
Communications registers A, X, Y
Stack requirements 3
Zero page usage None
Registers affected A, X, Y
Input parameters X → Day of Week (Sunday = 0)
Output parameters RegPtr ← Pointer to string ("Sunday", "Monday", etc.)
A ← String length
Raises an exception if input is out of range.

Description: This routine returns a pointer to a string containing the full English name of the day of the week. The string is not null-terminated. The length of the string is returned in the accumulator. The day of the week is passed in the X register, same as the return format from firstdow.

Example, pass 3 ($03) in the accumulator for Wednesday, a RegPtr is returned to a string (not null-terminated) "Wednesday", and the accumulator holds $09 because there are 9 characters in the string "Wednesday".

Previous Section: Library Reference

Next Chapter: Using Toolkit

Table of Contents

This document is subject to revision updates.

Last modified: Jan 24, 2025