C64 OS Software Releases
Other C64 OS software releases are added here as they become available.
Resource and Software bundles come in CARs too.
CARs (C64 Archive files) can also be used for transporting other software and resource bundles, such as collections of media files, like SID music, Commodore Grafix sample packs, and backgrounds for your App Launcher desktops. Double-click a general CAR from the File Manager. It opens the Installer Utility, but shows the type as "General." Click the extract button and a subdirectory full of new stuff is created, right where the CAR file is found.

Solitaire |
![]() Solitaire for C64 OS; Klondike Solitaire (or just Solitaire in the USA & Canada) uses a single deck of 52 cards which are laid out in the play area. Outside of the USA & Canada it is known as Patience or American Patience. The objective is to build up the four foundation piles on the top right with each suit in rank order. If all cards are built onto the foundations then the game is won. Download NowInstallation
After the extract is complete, you will have a new Application called Solitaire. Double-click the Application bundle to open it. Scratch the original .CAR file or move it to another directory for backup and safe-keeping. |
Desktop Designer |
![]() ![]() Desktop Designer is written and released by OpCoders Inc. The 21KB .CAR file is a C64 Archiver file which contains the Application bundle. The Application bundle includes inline help content that can be viewed with the Help system in C64 OS. Upon purchase you will be redirected to a page from which you can download the .CAR archive. About Desktop DesignerDesktop Designer is a full PETSCII graphics editor Application, integrated with the fantastic stack of C64 OS technologies. Draw with the mouse and pick options from the pull down menus. Open and save documents using the standard C64 OS open and save dialog boxes. Pick the characters and colors from palette. Enable vertical and/or horizontal guides that are composited above the image and can be dragged to any position. Draw in any of multiple character sets. |
TextView+ |
![]() TextView+ is similar to the TextView Utility but in the form of an Application. This allows opening much longer text files, and the text view area fills the screen. It also allows Utilities to be open concurrently with a text file. Download NowInstallation
After the extract is complete, you should have a new Application called TextView+ and then you can double-click the application to open it. https://github.com/OpCoders-Inc/TextViewPlus/releases/tag/v1.0 |
Fart Machine |
![]() ![]() Fart Machine is an Application with loads of fart jokes for the most juvenile among us. It has a colorful user interface for selecting and playing back 9 fart samples at three speeds each. This App is full of jokes and easter eggs increasing the fun. Download Now |
Eliza for C64 OS |
![]() ![]() Eliza for C64 OS is written and released by OpCoders Inc. The 58KB listed above is for the complete package as a .ZIP file. The 152 blocks listed above (and the CRC32 checksum) are only for the .CAR install archive for Eliza for C64 OS that is found within the .ZIP file. Upon purchase you will be redirected to a page from which you can download the .ZIP archive. About ELIZAAccording to Wikipedia, "ELIZA is an early natural language processing computer program created from 1964 to 1967 at MIT by Joseph Weizenbaum." A version of ELIZA was written in BASIC by Jeff Shrager in 1977. That source code is available on GitHub. About Eliza for C64 OSAlthough the 1977 BASIC version of ELIZA can be easily ported to BASIC 2.0 for the Commodore 64, "Eliza for C64 OS" super-charges the experience by adding a graphical user interface, multiple-personalities, and a host of fixes, improvements, and clever new features. Eliza for C64 OS is the best, the fastest, and the most featureful edition of the classic ELIZA available for the Commodore 64. It has been written from scratch, 100% in 6502 assembly language, as an Application taking full advantage of many technologies provided by C64 OS. |
Filename | Release Date | C64 OS Version # | Version # | File Size | CRC32 checksum |
hvscsamples1.car | 2023-11-07 | 1.04+ | 1.0 | 206 KB, 811 blocks | e5b22e3b |
HVSC SID Music Samples, Set #1This pack contains 50 sample SID music files. These are drawn from the HVSC, including approximately 40 files from the HVSC top 100, plus a hand-picked assortment of several others. Each file has been relocated to be compatible with C64 OS and can be played by SID Preview. The SID Search service (http://services.c64os.com/about) can be used to find and download over 34,000 SID files, all of which have been relocated for C64 OS, and which have C64-friendly filenaames (unique, 16-characters, no non-c64 characters.) |
Filename | Release Date | C64 OS Version # | Version # | File Size | CRC32 checksum |
gfxsamples1.car | 2023-11-07 | 1.04+ | 1.0 | 165 KB, 650 blocks | 403c5397 |
C64 Graphics Samples, Set #1This pack contains 20 graphic image files. A mixture of C64 graphics in different modes and in a variety of file formats, all of which are supported by C64 OS. C64 OS has datatype loaders for each of these image file types, which allows them to be loaded and displayed in Image Viewer. |
Filename | Release Date | C64 OS Version # | Version # | File Size | CRC32 checksum |
cgfxsamples1.car | 2023-05-06 | 1.04+ | 1.0 | 1525 KB, 6149 blocks | 893e1057 |
CGFX Samples, Set #1, Includes
Filename | Release Date | C64 OS Version # | Version # | File Size | CRC32 checksum |
petsciibots.car | 2023-05-06 | 1.04+ | 1.0 | 231 KB, 931 blocks | f8897bbc |
PETSCII Bots, Includes
Filename | Release Date | C64 OS Version # | Version # | File Size | CRC32 checksum |
backdrops1.car | 2023-01-09 | 1.0+ | 1.0 | 59 KB, 231 blocks | acad6174 |
Backdrops Set #1, Includes
Last modified: Mar 20, 2025